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Best Shampoo for Thinning Hair for Women

Best Shampoo for Thinning Hair for Women

Women and Hair Loss – A Background

If you ask someone to close their eyes and tell you what is the first image that comes to their mind when you utter the words ‘hair loss’, nine out of ten would tell you that they can visualize a bald man or at least a man with thinning hair. We predominantly associate hair loss with men, which is why you are more likely to find a shampoo for thinning hair for women at the supermarket than one for women. But the sad reality is that women are as prone to hair loss as men are, but because women naturally have longer and thicker hair than men, the thinning of hair might not always be so visually prominent. By the time a woman crosses the age of 50 to 60, it finally hits her, and she begins to do something about it. But why be sorry later when you can be safe in advance? Let us discuss a few important aspects of hair loss in women in this blog, which can help you be aware in advance, and take steps accordingly.

Hair Growth shampoo for women

Before we discuss hair loss, let us understand the basics of hair growth, which are similar for both men and women. On an average, a strand of hair grows by about 6 inches over a year. This growth occurs in three cycles. The most predominant phase of these three is the anagen, which is the actual phase of growth. 9 out of every 10 strands on a human head is in this phase at any point of time. Then there is the transition phase called catagen during which the follicle begins to shrink. And finally, there is the resting phase which is called telogen. Combined with the shrinking catagen phase is another fact that one needs to be aware of. Whenever a particular hair fall is shed, it is normally replaced by another follicle as part of the human body’s natural process of repair of rehabilitation. But for women with hair loss issues, the new follicle is usually smaller and thinner than the original. What this means is that in the catagen phase is more pronounced, with miniature versions of hair follicles continually replacing the ones that fall off.  Best Biotin Shampoo for Thinning Hair

Best Shampoo for Thinning Hair for Women

Hair Loss shampoo for women

Against the 6 inches of growth on every strand per year, an average of 80 to 100 strands fall off from an average human head every year. Women usually get an idea if their rate of hair loss is going beyond this, by looking at the density of hair strands fallen on their pillows in the morning once they wake up. They can also make out by the amount of hair that stays in their brushes after brushing their hair. If a woman notices more than usual quantities in the above scenarios for a continued period, then it might be time to start thinking of taking some step like opting for the best shampoo for thinning hair for women.

Most Common Causes for Hair Loss in Women

The most common reason for hair loss in women, yet frustratingly it is the one thing that nothing can be done about. If your grandmother or your aunt has had a history of hair loss, it is likely you will have it too. Moreover, it could also be passed on to you from the male members in your family tree. But the other likely reasons could be pregnancy, anemia, thyroid disorders, which are quite common in women. Other less common medical reasons could be psoriasis or polycystic ovary syndrome, or even certain types of skin afflictions. The best natural shampoo for thinning hair might be able to address some of the internal reasons for hair fall. Using a natural sulphate, paraben and hormone free biotin shampoo, conditioner, and follicle stimulator can in most cases improve hair growth, improve thinning and make the hair fuller and healthier.
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