Which Hair Growth Serum is Best?
Hair loss can happen for many reasons and can be quite distressing for the people facing it. Experts have found over the years that hair loss can cause emotional, social,...
How to Restore Grey Hair Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide
Greying of hair is like a pandemic in modern times. Nowadays 50% of the population irrespective of gender is suffering from prematurely greying of hair and that is giving...
Skinification of Hair - What Does it Mean?
Skinification of hair is a trendy concept and term used by dermatologists to define a hair care regime that coincides with a skincare regime. It is treated as an...
Do scalp massages really regrow hair?
We all desire a luscious mane. Hair is one aspect of our overall look that can never be overlooked. People suffering from hair loss and thinning know how difficult...
Can Elderly People Regrow Hair?
Losing hair at a certain point in life is a sad reality that none of us can avoid. There can be many reasons behind hair loss, and aging is...
Does parting your hair damage it, causing thinning or hair loss
Does parting the hair cause thinning hair? The fact is parting our hair and doing it in the same direction causes damage to the hairline. Most of us...
How to Use Rice Water for Hair Growth?
Are you surprised knowing that you can use rice water for hair growth? Well, a lot of people are because they do not know about the ancient secret that...
Can Sleep Apnea Cause Hair Loss?
What is Sleep Apnea and its Effects on Health? Breathing ceases and resumes regularly throughout sleep, it refers to a potentially dangerous condition known as sleep apnea. You...
Does cold weather cause hair loss?
There is a definite correlation between cold weather and hair loss, even if freezing temperatures by themselves will not make hair thin or fall out. We frequently wear tight-fitting...
What Is the Cause of Folliculitis in Scalp?
Scalp Folliculitis: What You Should Know? What Causes Inflammation of Follicles? Scalp folliculitis appears to be clusters of small red bumps that are often mistaken for acne....
Scalp Psoriasis or Seborrheic Dermatitis? How to Know Your Hair Issue?
Itchy and flaky scalp is a common problem from which many people suffer around the world. It is a mistake to ignore these symptoms. It is always better...
Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?
Hair loss can occur in men or women, over 70% of men and 50% of women can experience hair loss and thinning hair.. Now, there are several reasons...